Women are generally known to be naturally organized than men and from time to time we find them stream lining things to guarantee they get to the best. It is for this reason that every bride should know how to take care of this special day and things they should do or know. Bride’s maid dresses: She needs to be precise on what she wants to avoid any clashing of colors on the … [Read more...]
4 Things to Look for in a Wedding Planner
Planning a wedding to its perfection can be a daunting task and you need some help to achieve this. Your family members and friends can really contribute in helping you but some of these issues need a professional and it is for this reason one needs to have a wedding planner to assist you in planning and arranging all that is needed to make this imperative day a success. Listed … [Read more...]
Wedding Checklist
A Namibia wedding takes one year and a half to prepare. Sometimes it depends on the preparedness of the groom if he has already assembled the bride price including 40 cattles. A wedding checklist is consists on all the things you have to do before, during and even after your wedding. It is complete interactive and customizable to help effortlessly guide you through planning … [Read more...]
Honeymoon After a Namibian Wedding
As soon as the bride has been kidnapped from their home, this is an indication that a Namibia wedding ceremony has started. After the ceremony the bride goes home into the groom's house where she will be told what her responsibilities will be and bathed her with butterfat milk from showing that she is now a part of the family. Thereafter, a exhausting wedding preparations to … [Read more...]
Wedding Ceremony Tips
A Namibia wedding ceremony is important not for just the bride and groom but also for their families for a wedding will not be possible without their parent's permission. Commitments and promises are now held official. The wedding ceremony is the result of the hardships done over the past years of planning. It is your first event of solemnity and sincerity in your married life. … [Read more...]